Biodiversity and climate change

Hi friends! (English below and subtitles available)

Today, in the new video in the air to the Earth we present you the biodiversity and climate change!

To do this, we are accompanied by Lucie Bezombes, who is a doctoral candidate at the Cemagref Grenoble which is the national Institute of science and technology for environment and Agriculture Research.

It presents what is biodiversity, how it will be affected by global warming and species that are likely to be affected in the Alps.

All this on a magnificent flight of course and still very simple!

Do not hesitate to come liker page Facebook's in the Air for the Earth and share the video:

And of course, come and visit our website for more information on the project, climate change and energy renewable

Thanks to our partners for hardware: design Kortel, Sky Dreams paragliding – Gradient France and

And soon for new videos in the Air to the Earth!

Youtube link:

For more information on the research of Lucie:

And on the Cemagref, Grenoble:

Hi Friends!

Today, in the new video of the Fly for the Earth we present the relationship between biodiversity and climate change!

For this, we are with Lucie Bezombes, who is a PhD student in Grenoble Cemagref which is the National Science and Technology Research Institute for Environment and Agriculture.

She shows us what biodiversity is, how it will be affected by global warming and which species may be affected in the Alps.

All this during a wonderful flight and of course always in a very simple way!

Feel free to share the video and like and share our Facebook page:

And of course, come and visit our website for more information on the project, climate change and renewable energy…/…/en-lair-for-the-earth/

Thank you to our partners for the equipment: design Kortel, Dreams Sky Paragliding – Gradient and France

And see you soon for new videos in the Air!

YouTube link:

For more information on Lucie's research work:

And on Grenoble Cemagref:

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Press: Presentation of in the Air to the Earth in the Dauphiné Libéré from April 19!

Press: Presentation of in the Air to the Earth in the Dauphiné Libéré from April 19!

We presented the project week last to Jean Benoît Vigny, journalist at the Dauphiné Libéré. And to really show him what that is in the Air for the Earth, what better than to make this interview… In the Air of course!

We therefore shared a beautiful flight with Jean Benoit above Saint Paul de Varces, which allowed him to take beautiful pictures of this article du Dauphiné which presents the article here are with the excerpt from the cover page:

Jean Jouzel rejoint l’Aventure en étant le parrain scientifique de En l’Air pour la Terre

Nous sommes très heureux que Jean Jouzel rejoigne le projet En l’Air pour la Terre en tant que parrain scientifique pour les questions liées au changement climatique. Jean Jouzel est un climatologue et glaciologue français. Il a notamment été vice président du GIEC (Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat) de 2002 à 2015 et a contribué aux rapports du GIEC, qui a reçu le prix Nobel de la paix en 2007. Jean Jouzel est un des leaders dans la diffusion vers le public des conséquences des activités humaines sur le climat de notre planète.
En savoir plus
Il est directeur de recherches au CEA depuis 1995 et a été responsable du groupe climat du Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l’environnement auquel il est toujours rattaché, et devient ensuite directeur de l’Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL), qui fédère les laboratoires de la région parisienne travaillant sur le climat et l’environnement. Avec ses collègues, il a développé des méthodes isotopiques pour en extraire l’information climatique. Ils ont ainsi construit l’enregistrement climatique le plus long jamais obtenu à partir de carottes de glaces. Publié en 2007 dans la revue ” Science “, cet enregistrement des températures passées couvre les 800 000 dernières années, soit 8 cycles climatiques (successions de périodes glaciaires et interglaciaires). La longueur de cet enregistrement permet d’examiner la réponse de la calotte antarctique aux subtils changements d’insolation causés par les variations lentes de l’orbite terrestre. En outre, sa haute résolution temporelle permet pour chacun des cycles climatiques d’analyser précisément les variations millénaires du climat, associées à la réponse du système climatique complexe de notre planète. En 2012, Jean Jouzel reçoit le prix Vetlesen, décerné tous les quatre ans depuis 1959 par la Fondation américaine du même nom. Cette récompense prestigieuse, considérée comme le Nobel des sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers, est décernée à Jean Jouzel, premier lauréat français, pour ses travaux sur les glaces polaires et le climat.
Venez aussi visiter les sites de production d’énergies renouvelables avec nous ! Ou bien pour en savoir plus sur le changement climatique, le parapente ou le voyage 🙂 Et bien sûr retrouvez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux :

Presentation of the tandem paragliding

Hi friends!

Today, in the new video in the Fly for the Earth Project, we present the activity that allows us to do interviews: paragliding tandem!

You will find all the phases of a flight from takeoff to landing, passing by a few thrills and amazing landscapes.

Do not hesitate to share the video and Facebook into the Air to the Earth page:

And of course come and visit our website for more information on the project, climate change and energy renewable

Thank you to all buddies for these moments of good mood and our partners for hardware: design Kortel, Sky Dreams paragliding – Gradient France and

See you soon for new videos of the Fly for the Earth Project!

Also visit the sites of production of renewable energy with us! To learn more about climate change, paragliding or travel :) And of course join us on social networks:

The second interview: links between atmospheric chemistry and climate change


Here is the second interview of the Fly for the Earth Project!

We talk about you this time atmospheric chemistry, ozone (O3) and the link with global warming.

To do this, we are accompanied by Didier neighbor, teacher, researcher at the University Grenoble Alpes and at the laboratory of glaciology and Geophysics of the environment in Grenoble.

It presents what is atmospheric chemistry, the role of ozone on our planet and its relationship with climate warming and human health.

All this flight of course and in a very simple way.

Feel free to let us your comments, suggestions on this video or the project in general. If you want to participate in the project or then contact us for any request, we will be very happy to discuss with you, it is here that it happens:

And of course feel free to join us on our Facebook page:


Also visit the sites of production of renewable energy with us! To learn more about climate change, paragliding or travel :) And of course join us on social networks: