The Team

Complementary skills to serve our planet

You all!

Unlimited resources 


Lawyer and photographer  


Graphic designer and Manager. Comm  


Scientist and paraglider

All of you !

You are indispensable to our project! Whether small, large, musician, dancer, scientific, scientist, sportsman, entrepreneur, salesperson, passionate free flight, technology enthusiast, hired to transform our world, or all at once, we need YOU to share all that knowledge and help us in this project. Whether you are looking to discuss renewable energy and climate change with us at our steps, ask us your questions on these issues so that we can respond in flight or simply share what you want! We’ll find the experts on the question you ask us to then respond in the way the simplest possible and this flight of course 🙂 Do not hesitate, join us in our adventure to allow EVERYONE access to knowledge in this field!


Navy will be graduated from the Faculty of Grenoble in law after having spent a few years studying accounting. She has already had the opportunity to work for law firms of accounting, and security and environment companies in several countries. These experiences have allowed her to have a strong capacity to adapt and to better understand the diversity of the countries crossed. His skills are so very useful to compare in detail the projects visited and practices encountered. With its specialization in international law, his legal knowledge will allow us to better understand the issues of renewable energies and climate change at the European level. She will use them to analyze the interactions between different actors (Government, associations of environmental protection etc.) and the problems which they may encounter throughout a project. Finally, Navy has also had the opportunity during his previous trips of several months (Costa Rica, Thailand, Canada, United States, Morocco, Senegal etc.) specialize in photography and video of landscapes to bring some beautiful shots and share his experiences. It is thanks to her that we will be able to make you discover our Earth from heaven!


Clara's graphic designer freelance, a graduate of a BTS Graphic Design specializing in communication and digital media. Who made a CAPE and BacPro graphic communication as well as an upgrade in Applied Arts. Clara also perfected more than 7 years in the areas of graphic design and communication. Graphic designer, but not only! It is sensitive to the ecology and protection of the environment which are key topics for her since childhood. All that has led him to participate in this project with Navy, Nicolas and you ALL! This is Clara's website where you can find all of his accomplishments: www.claradupuy.com


Nicolas is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), the school of bridges and pavement, the Joseph Fourrier University (Grenoble) in climate science and engineer of the body of the bridges of waters and forests. After having worked on energy in a prestigious consulting firm in strategy (The Boston Consulting Group) to the Morocco in Casablanca, he specializes in renewable energy and climate and environmental sciences. He had the opportunity to participate in major international research programs on the environment as the Floating Sensors Network project in one of the best universities in the United States: UC Berkeley. It will start next September a PhD to study establishing an electric mix with a strong integration of renewable energy on the whole of the African continent by combining a physical and economic approach. After the tour of Europe this summer, there is a tour of Africa. Scientific information retrieved during visits and interviews will be verified and then popularized so that everybody can understand! He is also owner of the patents of pilot and paragliding and confirmed driver, Ulm and qualification tandem paragliding and Ultralight for the chance to introduce his passion to all. This activity allows to Nicolas and Navy to discover beautiful landscapes, which strengthens their motivation to become fully involved in the fight against global warming, preserving the richness of our land.

The scientist sponsor: Jean Jouzel

We are very pleased that Jean Jouzel joined the project in the Air to the Earth as the scientific sponsor for issues related to climate change. Jean Jouzel is a french glaciologist and climatologist. He was vice President of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on climate change) from 2002 to 2015 and has contributed to the reports of the IPCC, who received the Nobel Prize for peace in 2007. Jean Jouzel is one of the leaders in the dissemination to the public of the consequences of human activities on the climate of our planet.

Know more !

He is Director of research at the CEA since 1995 and has been responsible for the climate of the laboratory for climate sciences group and the environment to which it is always attached, and then became Director of the Institute Pierre – Simon Laplace (IPSL), which brings together the laboratories of the Paris region working on the climate and the environment. With his colleagues, he developed isotopic methods to extract the climate information. They have built the long climate record ever obtained from ice cores. Published in 2007 in the journal “Science”, this record of past temperatures covers the past 800,000 years, 8 cycles climate (successions of glacial and interglacial periods). The length of this recording allows to examine the response of the Antarctic ice cap to subtle changes in insolation caused by slow changes in the Earth’s orbit. In addition, its high temporal resolution allows for each climate cycles precisely analyze changes millennial climate, combined with the response of the complex climate system of our planet. In 2012, Jean Jouzel received the Vetlesen Prize, which is awarded every four years since 1959 by the American Foundation of the same name. This prestigious award, considered the Nobel Prize of the sciences of the Earth and the universe, is awarded to Jean Jouzel, french winner, for his work on the polar ice and climate.

The interviewed

Stéphane Labranche

Political scientist – COP21

Didier Voisin

Atmospheric chemistry

Thierry Lebel

Water cycle and climate change

Goran Bryntse

100% renewable energy in Sweden

Richard Wood

Environmental footprint

Tom Cronin

Wind technologies

Hans Christian Sørensen

The power of community

Preben Maegaard

Self-sufficient village

Christian Nereus Grant

Wave energy

Tonny Brink

Low power turbines

Jean Schmittbuhl

Deep geothermal

Anna Berkman

Hydro Norway

Michael Raschemann

Self-sufficient village

Leire Gorrono

Community power

Frédéric Pierre

Create gas from a sewage

Clément Ritter

Biovalsan gas project

Cyril Colin

Start-up Elum

Doreen Raschemann

Visitor Center – self-sufficient village

Lucie Bezombes


Jean Jouzel

the IPCC and climate change

Olivier Peyre

7 years of worldwide 0 carbon

You also join the team!

4 + 11 =

Now that you know our team, visit the sites of production of renewable energy with us! Either to learn more about climate change, paragliding or travel 🙂 And of course you can find us on the networks: