Understand climate change and renewable energy in paragliding

Interviews realized


Do you discover climate change and renewable energy like never before, thanks to short, simple and impressive interviews especially tandem paragliding.

Countries overflown

The interviewed

Specialists on these issues (researchers, responsible for project etc.). explain you a particular topic with very simple words, so that the message can be understood by ALL.

People met


To have more fun interviews and learn while having fun!

And what better than to talk about our beautiful planet by flying over beautiful landscapes that we must preserve?

Learn more about the origins of the "Fly for the Earth" Project

The themes of climate change and renewable energy deal with thousands of people.

For the world of research, for example, hundreds of researchers in all areas (physics, chemistry, economics, science policies etc.) working hard to produce very interesting research articles.

But then tell me how to access these items? They are usually published only in journals (Nature for the best known) and therefore read by… other researchers of course! This may be understandable since these items are, for the most part, very specialized. However, when the authors take the time to simply explain the main ideas, they understand quite easily. It is the same for many other subjects including for renewable energy.

That’s where the idea of our project: all direct access to very simple explanations of these people interviewing them. As we did not want that these interviews are boring, we had the idea of a new form of interview! These will be carried out in the Air, tandem paragliding, with unique décor of beautiful landscapes! We hope to associate different speech to protect our planet at stunning scenery, to show you how it would be a shame to lose all of it.

“Fly for the Earth” is also a project to invite you to travel, culture and any other activity to discover the world. That’s why we also created a travel blog with an interactive map which list all our items along with photos and videos.


Travel, learn, share and fly!


The adventure began in 2016 by the realization of several interviews in France. Following the success of these through you and over 20,000 people following our publications every week we decided to go see further !

More than 2 month of European Tour to discover climate change and renewable energy have allowed us to travel, learn, share with you all and fly! We went to meet different people and communities that act and get involved to fight against climate change and develop renewable energy, at all levels.


The COP22 of Marrakech

On the return from the European tour, we have prepared and participated at the COP22 in Marrakech in the French delegation in the  COP21 team of the Ministry of the environment, the energy and the sea. It was an incredible experience to be able to live a COP from the inside !!

And for 2017?

Now we want to capitalize on these experiences and all the knowledge acquired to carry out new actions of awareness, particularly among young people, but also conferences for businesses and a new cycle of travel !

Speeches and conferences

We offer advocacy on these issues in the schools and colleges.

We also organize discussions, conferences in companies or any other structure on:

  • The feedback of the European Tour in 2016 for climate change and renewable energy
  • The interviews and meetings of specialists
  • The preparation and participation at the COP22 in Marrakech or in other international meetings on the theme of the fight against climate change, renewable energy and sustainable mobility

We can share our experiences and knowledge, but also and above all, answer all your questions!

 The tour of southern Europe in September 2017

The next project to always learn and share with you will be in southern Europe.

We are currently preparing the tour of southern Europe for September 2017 that will also focus on sustainable mobility. In fact, the transport sector contribute to about ¼ of the total emissions of greenhouse gases and this is one of the most difficult to decarbonize!

Contact us for any request:

Do not hesitate to contact us for questions, suggestions, requests for speeches, conferences, interviews on these themes, we will be happy to exchange with you!

We are also launching the partnership for the year 2017 campaign. Feel free to help us by becoming a partner of the association, donor, or simply speaking into the air to the land around you!

7 + 3 =

And find us on social networks: