Could not exit the Norway without end by a key local: the hike to Bessegen. Good it explodes a little budget just to walk around but its worth a shot (34 euros = parking + boat).
Take the boat in the morning to go starting point of the hike and then going back to the car park on foot. By this side the advantage is that is climbing the ridge of the Bessegen while the other way must be lowered.

At 7 o’clock in the morning it is therefore in the first boat ready for the 1100 m altitude difference and 16km. We laugh because all Norwegians around us are equipped like crazy with small leggings or mountain pants, headband ears, any colored sneakers and huge backpack while we one is quiet with a t shirt and pants. It also differentiates families because each in its color code or wearing the same jacket.
Once landed on the earth it rushes on the trail to be first and we begin to climb. Immediately one has super views of the Lake and snow-capped mountains and luck is with us today because it is super nice.

We arrive at the most difficult crossing: climbing on the crest of the mountain that offers amazing views of two lakes: a light blue and dark blue. The two lakes are not at the same altitude which is impressive. There is a gap of 500 m between the two. We cling with hands and hop on monte. We do not see the slope past so it is fun to climb. Once at the top the view is breathtaking. It is super happy in all the families of the boat were well measured :).

We picnic with this view at 10:30 in the morning and continue hiking. On the other side of the ridge the scenery changes completely. It feels like on the Moon because there is nothing but pebbles out of sight. It’s hot and there’s world. We do not regret will be lifted soon. More one goes and more greenery returned. Nicolas looking wild reindeer with his big zoom but it sees nothing. Began to despair because all those we encounter have seen except us and yet we seek these Rennes four days tirelessly.

Then take the road down the Norway and in Sweden through the side. Our last chance to see the wild reindeer is to look at the mountains along the road. By chance a man with binoculars says us he sees a herd of 200 wild reindeer on the mountain face. Incredible! 200 really?
It also tells us that one little approaching on foot parking a little further.

Neither one nor two runs there. Nicolas distance me widely and fled away with the camera. I try to follow but I lost it in the middle of all these stones. Finally I stop and I waiting for him observing from afar the blackspot move in the snow on the mountain.

When Nicholas he approaches closer to the rennes but I think it’s better that it tells the time itself.
Nicolas: “the small hike of Bessegen was a good leg for this race in the tundra to see the wild reindeer behind sought for 4 days. The terrain is not obvious because there are a lot of rocks and swamps without any path. I’m getting closer every fesait attention to be downwind of the reindeer for they do not they can feel. I get to get closer enough almost to hear the cry that they find and it is really a so much magic is. We who are seeking a reindeer for four days for kilometres here is now more than 200 to barely a hundred meters from me. I take advantage of is wonderful moment to watch them and watch how behaves the herd. Something bothers them above and so they run and down to encircle me. It is now a hundred wild reindeer that graze peacefully around me. There are of all colors and sizes. I take this opportunity to make some photographs (well ok 900 pictures in 15 minutes). A female and her calf approximates more and seem to see me. So, I decide to leave so as not to disturb them longer. This time focus will remain forever etched in my memory. “

When to me (Navy) on the way back I hear noises that resemble snores. As I can’t see anyone nearby I wonder what it might be and I see a family of fourths wild reindeer certainly a male, a female and two cubs running and in the direction of the mountain. They stop at the edge of a pissed off and I can see their reflections in the water. My happiness is incredible that I have tears in my eyes, I also I had my wild reindeer. They look at me and then resume their path.
With Nicolas when we meet we share our experience and it’s really great! We can now leave the Norway light heart.