Understand climate change and renewable energy in paragliding


And for 2017?


Now we want to capitalize on these experiences and all the knowledge acquired to carry out new actions of awareness, particularly among young people, but also a conference for businesses and a new cycle travel!

Speeches and conferences


We offer advocacy on these issues in the schools and colleges.

We also organize discussions, conferences in companies or any other structure on:

  • The feedback of the tour of Europe 2016 climate change and renewable energy
  • The interviews and meetings of specialists
  • The preparation and participation at the COP22 in Marrakech or in other international meetings on the theme of the fight against climate change, renewable energy and sustainable mobility

We can share our experiences and knowledge, but also and above all, answer all your questions!

 The 2017 southern european tour


The next project to always learn and share with you longer this time to the South!

We are currently preparing the tour of southern Europe for September 2017 that will also focus on sustainable mobility.

The transport sector contribute to about ¼ of the total emissions of greenhouse gases and this is one of the most difficult to decarbonize!

Here is a first idea of what our southern european tour will look like :


Contact us for any request:

Do not hesitate to contact us for questions, suggestions, requests for speeches, conferences, interviews on these themes, we will be happy to exchange with you!

We are also launching the partnership for the year 2017 campaign. Feel free to help us by becoming a partner of the association, donor, or simply speaking into the air to the land around you!

2 + 1 =

And find us on social networks: