Let's Discover Renewable Energy and Climate Change by Paragliding

European Tour 2016

We have organized our European Tour in order to visit the most significant and/or innovative projects in renewable energy, fight against global warming, and sensitives sites.

This European will take place from late June to early September 2016. Nevertheless we are so excited to share with you this project that we will soon begin interviews for our (and hopefully your) most delight!

Here is the map of our tour of Europe where we visit, meet, interview, understand, communicate, and fly in more than a dozen countries!

In total we browse about 15,000 km. The map below specifies the sites we will visit (projects of renewable energy, fight global warming, sensitive sites and the most beautiful flying sites).

As a result of these 10 weeks, we will continue our visits to french sites or neighbouring countries not crossed during this tour of Europe (United Kingdom, Portugal, Greece etc.) as well as in various countries of Africa, to share always more with you!

Here is the detailed schedule of our visits and the places where we are going to be throughout the project in the Air to the Earth.

You can find us in these places to share with us on the project, share a flight, or many other things:


Come and Join Us !

Now that you know have read this page, visit the presentation of renewable energy with us! To learn more about climate change, paragliding or travel 🙂 And of course contact us or join us on networks: